
Friday, May 28, 2021

Romeo and Juliet Part One

Text Title: Romeo and Juliet.
Text Type: No fear translation SparkNotes.
Text Creator: William Shakespeare.
Text Purpose: So people can read the play, Romeo and Juliet, the original text, and the modern text.
Critical Literary question: In whose interest in this text.
Critical Literary question answer: People who like Shakespeare play and who are going to do the play.

In scene 1 and a few pages these two boys name Sampson and Gregory from the Capulet house are talking until Adram and a servant of the Montagues house and whine them up until they chose to fight afterward Benvolio tries to calm them down, Tybalt come and pick a fight then three citizens enter the scene with clubs and spears and yell "down with the Capulet, down with the Montagues!" Enter Capulet and lady capulet asking about the noise Montagues and lady Montages and Capulet wants his sword to fight Montagues but Prince Escalus and say no more fighting or he'll torture them and askes them to leave. All but Montagues, Lady Montagues, and Benvolio leave, and Lady Montagues say "I am happy Romeo wasn't here when this happens" then askes "Where is Romeo?" Benvolio says " I saw Romeo when I was going on a walk to clear my head when I started walking up to him he notice and ran into the woods" After that Montagues say "He been seen crying many mornings, that add a drops to morning dew, making a cloudy day cloudier with his sighs. But as soon the sunrise east, my sad son comes home to escape the light"

The Earthen Pacific Ocean.

In Class, we have been studying what plastic does to our ocean and sea creatures.

Friday, May 21, 2021


Text Title: Fall forward
Text Type: Flim clip
Text Creator: Denzel Washington
Text purpose: To explain how to be resilience
Critical literary Question: Is the text fair

In the film clip, he talks about how to be resilient and how he got his job, Acting. The key point in the video are Fall forward never backward, you will fail in life but keep trying never give up even if it take you 55 try until you are able to succeed because every fail experiment is one step closer to success. As well as taking risks, accept your mistake, do you have guts to success. He talks about his acting job and how he failed a lot of times but he didn't quit. His wife says "To get something you never had you have to do something you never did"  Les Brown said "Imagine your on your death bed and there are ghost standing around your death bed, those ghosts represent your unfulfilled potential talent that you never had the guts to do there angry, disappointed at you they say "We came to you because you haven't brought us to live and now we have to go to the grave together" He askes how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes.

Critical Literary
QUESTION: Is the Text fair?
Yes it is because he is saying to never give up and keep trying.

Trashing our planet

There are pretty reefs and creatures but the reef might disappear but it is hopeful to change things. We need a healthy sea but when we litter the whale and dolphins help 85% for us to breathe. There could be as much plastic as there are fish in the ocean. Large currents pick up plastic and they flout and the sea creatures died when they eat it. There are islands of plastic in the sea. Lots of little fish don't know what plastic is and eat it causing them to die. The ocean is 80% of the world. Whale and dolphin wash up dead on beaches because they eat plastic waste. The ocean is 9 times more bigger than the earth's land. We can offer the sea a chance.
It not hopeless we can save the animal by picking up litter and bring a reusable bottle, bag, and curluye.
Here at school lunches, everything is recyclable.
The choice lies with us in what we do.

What do you think? I think we should stop not putting stuff in rubbish bins/putting everything in the bin that goes to the dump.

What can be done? Put more stuff in the recycling bin, stop littering, stop making as much mess.

What did the video show us / encourage us to think about? How much plastic get to the ocean, what they are doing to try stop it, 

What do you think? I think it's cool they're trying to get all the plastic from the ocean, and they're trying to stop plastic waste.

What can be done? Stop using plastic as much, use reusable plastic more, and not 1 use as much.